5 Car Insurance Mistakes To Avoid!

How Much Is Car Insurance for a New Driver?



Auto insurance is no easy task. Whether it’s during the signing of a contract or during a disaster, you’re likely to make certain mistakes. We invite you to discover some of these common problems that you can easily avoid.

Mistake 1 – Focusing on price when choosing the contract

This error is probably the most common. When you’re getting an auto insurance quote and getting to the comparison stage, you’re usually looking at price.

Of course, it’s normal to want to pay as little as possible for your car insurance. However, you must focus primarily on the guarantees of the contract. In the event of a claim, compensation varies by insurance contract.

Ask yourself if the savings you’re saving by entering into this type of contract are large enough compared to the gains you’re losing. Finally, always remember that two guarantees with the same name are not similar. You must read and compare the terms and conditions of your auto insurance contracts to determine their exact coverage.

Mistake 2 – Giving wrong information to your insurer

In order to save a few dollars on your auto insurance, you may be tempted to provide your insurance company with incorrect or incomplete information.

Note that an insurance code means that the insurance company may ask you a few questions before insuring you. You must answer these various questions accurately or face penalties.

These sanctions can be voiding your contract (as if your contract never existed) or applying the proportional premium rule. This will reduce the premium you would have paid had the information you provided been correct.

For example, if you always park your car outside, don’t say your car is in a closed, covered garage. Also remember to point out the different drivers of your vehicle.

Error 3 – Letting your child drive without declaring it in the contract

Your kids just got their driver’s licenses, and to save money, lend them a car and insure it in your name.

This error can have serious consequences. In the event of a major accident, the insurer may claim that the contract is void. You must then pay the full loss, including damage to third parties (personal injury, vehicle damage, building damage, etc.).

For example, if your child hits a pedestrian and seriously injures it, it could cost you your entire life to repair the pedestrian’s injury (disability benefits, home improvements, vehicle modifications, medical bills, etc.).

If your child regularly drives the vehicle, you must state that in the contract, whether as the primary driver or co-driver. Even if an insurance company adds a surcharge to your policy price, don’t take the risk of not explaining it.

Mistake 4 – Removing the driver’s protection guarantee from your car insurance

Sometimes, and always to save money, you decide to minimize your car insurance. Note that there are different types of liability insurance.

For some low-cost contracts, you may not get a driver protection guarantee. This guarantee is very important to protect the driver from personal injury in the event of an accident.

In fact, if you are the perpetrator of a traffic accident and are seriously injured, a driver’s warranty is essential, and this warranty can cover a lot of things, so don’t neglect it.

Mistake 5 – Not learning how to complete an accident report

A joint report is a document that you can use to report a car accident to your insurance company. You can get this information on request or when you purchase auto insurance from your insurance company.

Don’t make the mistake of waiting until you file your claim to see how your files are organized. In fact, in a car accident, we are not always clear, and there is often a disorientation in the face of the joint report, especially when seeing this document for the first time.

If you fill out and sign an incorrect accident report, the insurance company can determine that you were responsible for the accident even if you were not. Also, some unscrupulous drivers will use your qualifications to get you to fill out an accident report for their gain, especially if you are a young driver.

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