6 Reasons Why Lost Judgment Is Among The Hottest Titles On Your Winter Radar

Lost Judgment
Youtube / Playstation

Perhaps the Judgment series (and yes it is now a series) is repeatedly compared with the Yakuza series in principle and elements, but this theory is not one hundred percent correct because Judgment has done what Yakuza could not do previously, which is to collect all the properties that characterized the Yakuza series He placed it in a different mold from what we were accustomed to, a template for the first time legal or semi-legal with the idea of ​​playing with a lawyer, which made a big difference between the two series and what led to the unparalleled success of Judgment that Lost Judgment hopes to complete..

For all you fans of Japanese games a bit long and full of detail, stay tuned for our review of Lost Judgment very soon but what can get you excited about the second part of the tale and what makes Lost Judgment an experience that may be more mature than the first part? Let’s find out together.

Two crimes at the same time for one pedantic killer

How can a killer commit two crimes at once and even stand up to defy the entire Japanese police force? This is the question that Lost Judgment is trying to answer through one of the largest and most complex crimes that will test the abilities of our hero, detective and lawyer Yagami to the end, and even lead him to stages where the police themselves and their loyalty will doubt!

This time around, the Lost Judgment story does not offer the normal investigative story experience, but rather delves into the mind of a pedantic criminal who will defy everyone and Yagami will have to stop him at all costs. So, expect plenty of Plot Twists and great dramatic depth as the game tries to reflect the problems of Japanese society as well.

Walk around a whole Japanese school for the first time

During one of the missions, Yagami will have to engage the students of a Japanese high school to coexist with them as he investigates a ferocious source of bullying among students that is somehow connected to the events of the two crimes and takes the name The Professor, but what’s new here is that you can explore an entire school Literally in all its classes and arenas, but the most beautiful thing is that you will be involved in the activities of the students themselves, which will include the following:

  • Help the Seiryo Rabbits team reach the finals in dance and cheer and yes you will be able to dance to many tunes just Dance style
  • Create the best bot or robot in the school’s elite club to get information about the bully.
  • Compete against the best in wrestling matches
  • Race against the best riders in death races to prove your eligibility against the Bikers Club
  • Engage in the girls’ bar to get information about The Professor.
  • Compete in skateboarding or skateboarding between the Blue Kings and The Hounds

What we want to say is that high school isn’t just going to be a passing errand, it’s a major split in Lost Judgment and a special and new chapter as well.

Better combat system and gameplay changes

For those of you who played the last part, you know that Yagami has many tricks up his sleeve, including his fighting style and wonderful martial arts, which include the Crane and Tiger styles. As for Tiger, it is a violent method that targets only one opponent with focused and deadly strikes, but what is new in Lost Judgment is the way to play the snake or Snake, which specializes in blocking opponents’ strikes and using their energy against them to return the strikes with light and somewhat merciful movements.

For the first time, the Parkour system in Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment introduces a new ability for Yagami to jump across rooftops and climb through buildings for the first time, adding some verticality to the gameplay in a new and benign addition.

Deeper Analytics of Evidence

The game also offers a deep system to search for evidence and access to certain theories about each crime Yagami encounters through new tools that our hero uses or through the use of Stealth and the infiltration factor to reach places that were not accessible in the normal way.

And for the first time too..a police dog and Yagami’s first aide

Lost Judgment presents Yagami during his journey after the truth in the form of a police dog who will help him find clues using his strong sense of smell or even support our hero during the fight and yes you can pet the same dog as normal.

New masquerade system and tools

Yagami will be able to disguise himself in any costume in exchange for reaching his target, which is also a new detail that increases the depth of the gameplay as a detective and a private lawyer. In terms of tools, Lost Judgment testifies to the use of newer tools such as Noise Amp to double the frequency of some unusual sounds that may attract Yagami’s curiosity and help him steal Hearing and obtaining new evidence in addition to the Signal Detector device, it can detect any radio waves of any audio devices, cameras, etc., which also helps Yagami in locating the cameras to evade them, etc.

These were six new elements in the Lost Judgment game that completely differ from the previous part and towards the better. Of course, the experience of games of this type is still difficult for many players, but it certainly remains a series that improves the selection of its own audience, share your opinion about these additions and tell us did you play Lost Judgment or not yet?

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