Monster Hunters Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Review

Monster Hunters Stories 2 Wings of Ruin Review

Who does not dream of living in a world full of mythical monsters that can be tamed and used in our daily battles and struggles?

We think we found the game that fulfills this dream, which is Monster Hunters Stories 2 Wings of Ruin, the game offers a Japanese role-playing experience or what is known as JRPG, and the game comes from the development and publishing of Capcom.

Monster Hunters Stories 2 Wings of Ruin is currently available on PC and Nintendo Switch, and over the past few days we’ve been trying the PC version constantly, and it seems we’ve fallen in love with this game.

Well before starting the review we will be frank, we’re not fans of the Monster Hunter series in the first place because the series most of the time focuses on fighting monsters and collecting loot from them, and does not focus much on the story content, and personally we always tend to experience the stories so the series was not one day One of our favorite series.

The story of the game

Here things are different from most parts of the series as the game offers a nice and light story and at the same time pushes the action forward and makes the player very attached to it.

Without any spoilers, the story of the game revolves around new disturbances that led to the attack of monsters on the inhabitants of the island, which is related to a prophecy about the end of the world.

The story, as we mentioned, is very simple. As you can see, it possesses the basic elements of any story, a problem and a hero who works to solve the problem with the help of some people and characters, but the idea here is in the way the story is presented, as it is really very interesting.

Let’s be honest in most Japanese games the story is quite long and the dialogue texts inside are very repetitive, but here the dialogue texts are very good, they are not the best but at the same time they are not boring texts like some other games, and the cinematic scenes in the story Excellent and not long.

Also, the characters that appear in the story are excellent, and each character has its own charm, and you feel that the development team took time and effort to design these characters, but unfortunately your character does not speak in the game, as it is a silent character.

In fact, we don’t know. Some people might like this, but we wish the character we’re playing with was able to speak instead of being a character who only follows events and is directed only to her. We think that the character needed a point of view to adopt and declare it with the voice performance.

Deep, varied and fun gameplay


Monster Hunters Stories 2 Wings of Ruin offers a relatively different gameplay, as we are not talking about a hack and slash fighting game or an adventure game, but rather the game offers a role-playing experience like Pokemon game.

Simply the character you play with has its own abilities, skill level and all the elements you can imagine in any RPG, and the monsters you own have the same things.

During the battles, you enter into a confrontation based on the idea of ​​​​exchanging roles, where you choose in your turn the action you want to do and wait for the reaction of the opponent in his turn.

Although this system appears at first glance to be a simple system, the game presents it in a very complex and deep way. First, we have three attacking methods: strength, speed and tactics, and each method defeats the other on the same method as a paper, stone and scissors completely.

If your opponent intends to strike hard you should use speed and if he is using speed then you should use tactics.

It does not stop at the aforementioned, but the monsters that you fight can change the way they attack and here you must change your method as well, and one of the monsters can use a certain skill that makes your weapon useless and here you have to change your weapon.

Also, your strikes will be more useful if they are of the same type as your monster’s strikes, that is, your strike is speed, for example, and your monster will also strike a speed strike, and here the game allows you to change your monster at any time during the fight.

All of the above is only part of the fight, the matter contains a lot of other details, for example, there are monsters that have a certain weak point, as well as there are monsters that can be attacked with a specific weapon that will have a better effect, and do not forget that there is a list of skills that you can choose from during your role as a player, and this matter It makes the fighting experience very rich and enjoyable to the maximum degree and deep in a way that you cannot imagine from a game with this idea, but we must warn you, dear reader, that the battles may extend for a long time, especially after completing the first stages of the game.

Lots of activities

The game contains a large number of other activities that can be done and in fact the activities were fun and important at the same time, for example, you can craft and upgrade your weapon by using the resources you get from killing monsters or by collecting some raw materials found in nature.

You can also go in search of rare monsters to get their eggs and then get the monster to be yours, and here you will find that there are monsters that can make their eggs hatch for you and other monsters that cannot be tamed.

All these details make the game fun to the fullest even as you read the catalogs of monsters you will find it interesting as you read to find out who is tamable and who is not and how you can trace the genes of the monsters to know the weaknesses of each monster.

All these little things and details along with the fun fighting style made the game an experience of pure fun in fact and you will always find yourself doing missions or activities within the game world.

Cartoons and music

The game relies on anime graphics to provide its graphic experience, and we do not need to show you the extent of the graphic dazzle that is originally in the Japanese anime, which is what has been transferred to the game.

In all the fights, you will find the game has visual effects and very enthusiastic scenes, scenes of striking or monster skills, and all of that are very enthusiastic and exaggerated like the Japanese anime, and we don’t know why, but this exaggeration always appeals to the audience and we like it too.

But it is completely different if we talk about the control interface and icons in the game, it is a literal hell, the worst in the game undisputed, we do not know who designed this provocative interface, but we think he is a person who believes in anarchism.

The menus are not formatted at all and the way to navigate and control them is very poor, and it is even worse with very bad icon shapes that don’t express what they stand for at all.

We don’t understand why the developer didn’t include a picture of the weapon miniature that you find when you open the bag, we also don’t understand why it symbolizes the piece of meat as an almost square pink instead of having a thumbnail of the piece of meat.

As for the music, it’s just like the battle graphics, enthusiastic, exaggerated, and fun to the extreme and literally makes you feel all the time.

The performance     

This review was done using the PC version, and during our experience with the game, we did not suffer from any performance issues such as frame drop or image tearing, but on the contrary, the performance was very stable.

But there are some glitches in the game. Every time we open the game, it turns into window mode. Also, when you connect the camera to the movement of the mouse, you will find that the arrow mark for Windows has started to appear inside the game.

Also, the game relies very heavily on the idea of ​​loading screens in almost everything, which is very stressful, as you get out of the city using a loading screen and generally enter and exit from anywhere in the game through a loading screen, but the matter has reached that you enter the battles and fights through the loading screen as well. , which made the game contain tons of loading screens, and of course it is very clear why this idea is based on the Nintendo Switch platform and its relatively weak hardware.


Monster Hunters Stories 2 Wings of Ruin simply offers a very enjoyable and rich experience, but it does not belong to the fast-paced action games, so be careful about this point, but we recommend trying it even if you prefer fast games that have movement all the time.

The game’s errors are very few in our opinion, and if it weren’t for the very bad lists, the game would have gotten a better mark. Unfortunately, the lists are not a side issue in the game, but rather a major element in it, so the poor lists had a negative impact on the game’s evaluation a little.

Monster Hunters Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Rating

  • Playstyle: 8.5
  • Story: 8
  • Cartoons and music: 8
  • menus: 6


  • The fighting style and gameplay is fun and varied
  • The story of the game is good and pushes the events forward
  • Lots of role-playing elements and fun details
  • The music and graphics of the game are fun and exciting


  • The menu system in the game is disastrous
  • The game has an infinite number of loading screens

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