Sherlock Holmes Capítulo Uno

El equipo de desarrollo ucraniano Frogwares está de vuelta con una nueva versión de la serie de juegos de Sherlock Holmes 5 años después de su último lanzamiento y esta versión titulada Capítulo Uno nos llevará en un viaje para conocer los inicios del famoso detective y descubrir los “verdad” acerca de un evento importante en su vida.

The story takes us to the island of Cordona in the Mediterranean and controlled by the United Kingdom, Sherlock Holmes, 21 years old, returns to this island where he spent years of his childhood to remember the events that followed the death of his mother, Violet Holmes, and to remember what actually happened, he returned with his brother Mycroft To London within a short period of his mother’s death without the investigator realizing what actually happened, and here he returns in the prime of his youth with his imaginary friend Jon (yes, an imaginary friend) to search for the truth and here you will find some details that contradict what you previously knew, which leads you to think that Violet Holmes has been killed!

On the technical level, the game offers a good graphic level and a clear improvement from the team’s latest games titled The Sinking City, but it still offers the same lip movements and characters that seem mechanical and strange, and it was possible to provide a better level in this aspect, on the audio level, the game offers a number of diverse and good melodies Which accompanies you throughout the investigation period, but it is not special.

The game mainly depends on solving cases and puzzles, and you will always start with the crime scene with collecting details from inside, and then the investigation will branch out in various directions, which requires you to interrogate witnesses and suspects or solve some simple chemical puzzles to address some evidence. The game gives you what you want, as it does not take your hand to do anything, but rather provides you with a simple guide about the meanings of the symbols, as it indicates that knowing a specific person will require you to search the police records or newspapers and will tell you that you need to talk to the personalities associated with the case, but it does not help you in anything else as it It doesn’t tell you who to talk about or which records to look through, these are all details that you should read the evidence carefully to find out.

Although Cordona is under the control of the United Kingdom, it is racially and classy diversely and very clearly between its regions and here comes the role of disguise. Some missions will require asking about a specific person. One of the workers to ask about a worker working at a digging site, or to wear a police uniform to get answers from a stubborn person, or to disguise as a refugee from Africa to get an answer from another refugee. Interesting, but you are satisfied with showing these behaviors, nothing more.

One of the abilities that you will benefit from is Sherlock’s ability to focus and deduce after the events that occurred when examining a certain evidence as a trace of blood on the ground and other details, and when collecting all the details from the crime scene, you will rearrange the events at the crime scene to reach more conclusions that will help you move forward in the investigation, and when you collect all the required evidence, you will go to the Mind Palace, where you will link the most important details to reach the identity of the criminal.

The gaming experience also includes some battles that do not occur much in the basic missions and you can avoid them sometimes, which is something we recommend because this part is very primitive in its gameplay mechanics, and the aim is inaccurate and annoying, as you use the pistol to target a weak point of the opponent and then arrest him or shooting an element in the environment may obstruct his vision to facilitate his arrest. The game encourages not to kill criminals, but it will not punish you if you kill them and will not provide any consequences related to the story. In this case, the decision is up to you to kill the criminals or arrest them, fortunately, the battles constitute a percentage The content of the game is simple and there are some challenges that you can do that are related to the battles in order to earn money, but the money is not very useful in the game unless you want to buy furniture for the family mansion, which is the only side activity that the game actually offers.

Although the story focuses on finding out the facts behind the murder of Violet Holmes, you will discover a small detail and then have to solve a major complex case that will take hours of you to finish it and it is a cheap way in our view to increase the life of the experience and frustrating is that the game suffers from some loopholes as it focuses on The concept of “truth” and how it depends on your perspective and in the end you will not know whether your decision is right or wrong when choosing the culprit, and the truth behind Violet’s murder depends entirely on the choice you wish to make! These storytelling decisions make you feel frustrated and meaningless in what you have done in the past hours of searching for evidence and building conclusions, and you may be surprised that the imaginary friend Jon is not mentioned in this review simply because he does not play any important role in the gaming experience rather than being part of the storytelling No more, and you will hear many of his sarcastic and unhelpful comments during the investigation.

We finished the game within 16 hours and investigating the main issue actually takes about two hours of the total time. The game offers many interesting and complex side crimes, and the content is very satisfactory for fans of investigations and puzzles in this regard, but instead of solving cases and battles with thieves, the side content is almost non-existent Besides buying furniture for the mansion, Sherlock Holmes Chapter One allows you to play the detective in the best possible way, but it won’t satisfy your curiosity about the circumstances of the story, it asks the right questions and surprises you with its evidence but fails to give you a satisfactory end answer.

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One review

+ Divergent cases full of details that require careful consideration – huge content with many crimes and cases to solve – The gameplay experience provides you with all the necessary tools without taking your hand, making the solution of cases satisfactory for lovers of puzzles and investigations.

+ The main issue is poorly structured with a disappointing ending – some cases are based on your final decision without the actual truth being explained which makes you lose sense of what you did – lack of side events – some technical aspects could have been improved.

– The game offers an enjoyable experience and rich issues for those looking for an accurate simulation experience of the role of the investigator, but it fails to satisfy our curiosity about the story and the results of some cases, an experience that suffered from some fatal errors in the storytelling.

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