The Sleep Schedule Formula: 10 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Rest

A good night’s rest is an essential part of your daily routine—especially if you want to stay productive, happy, and healthy. However, it can be challenging to improve your sleep schedule, especially if you have been doing it the same way for years and aren’t getting good results. Below are 10 tips that will help you determine what kind of sleep schedule works best for you, including the ideal amount of sleep you should get each night and how to know when you’re well-rested or not feeling your best during the day.

1) Go to sleep at the same time every night

We go through two major cycles of sleep each night, with the average time being around 8 hours of sleep. The first is what is called non-REM or NREM sleep and this is the deep sleep you want to go for during this period as it can help clear your mind, ward off stress hormones, improve immunity and boost energy levels. REM or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep is the second part of your cycle and it can feel like when you wake up from being in a deep slumber.

2) Wake up at the same time every morning

This might seem counterintuitive, but it will help you regulate your body and stay in tune with your natural rhythms. A good time to get up is around 7am or 8am, depending on when you need to be at work. The point is not getting as much sleep as possible, but building consistency by waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. That’s right- even on weekends!

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